Let's talk - A free hour of in-depth conversation

It’s one of my favorite things…

To have a deep conversation with someone who’s new to me.

So I set aside an hour a day for this.

I’d be very interested to hear hear from you about…

Who you are.

What matters to you.

What’s your take on tribalism.

What discoveries you’re making.

Any changes you might be making in your activist work in response to new insights about tribalism.

Please don’t be shy. I love this kind of conversation, so you’d be doing me a favor if you decide to go for it.

As you can tell from my writing, I’m an intense guy…

But I’m very easy to talk to.

One more thing…

Do you know how it is when someone is listening to you so well that you reach deeper and you surprise yourself with what you hear yourself saying? Let’s see if we can make that happen for you in our conversation.

If this sounds interesting, I’d be glad to hear from you. Send me a note through the form below and tell me some good times to talk. I’ll do my best to match one of them. I’m in California, so that’s Pacific time.

Wishing you the best,
